Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Stevens Pass Corona Bowl

Pat, Avery and I went to Stevens Pass last Satuday. Avery's mom took us so we rode in their Mexican part van up to the mountain. When we go ttheir we immediately went to the top of the mounain and hit up the Corona Bowl. The Corona Bowl is a double black and Pat and I weren't sure if we could take Avery down it without him killing himself. It had dumped down snow the night before so there was powder everywhere and we figured he should be able to do it. It was Avery's wecond year dnowboarding so I felt kinda bad making him do Corona Bowl. AFter Pat and I dropped into the run and started tearing up the powder we asked each other "Wheres Avery?" after we stopped half way down. There Avery was at the top of the runa dn starts screaming as he points his board down the hill. He eats it and starts rolling and just plain kept rolling down the hill. Avery managed to stop half way down the hill and he was covered in snow. Pat and I were laughing hysterically and couldn't stop laughing the rest of the way down the fun. When we got to the bottom we asked each other "Wheres Avery" and just started cracking up again.


AVERY said...

yea that was bad but it didnt hurt i liked this because you didnt hold back on letting everyone know how much i suck

Will said...

Nice Krispay,
Corona Bowl is so much fun is pretty crazy at the begining when it just drops. This i thought was pretty funny how you were talking about avery i would have liked to see that. Good work.