Thursday, January 3, 2008

Snowboarding Conditions

Last Sunday Pat, Avery and me went to Mt. Baker to go snowboarding. Except in Pat’s case a skiing. The snow at Mt. Baker was fantastic because it was all powder. The only bad thing was that right under all the powder was rocks, sticks, and bush things. Also it got very windy while it was snowing and it felt like thousands of little bugs were biting your face. The wind combined with it snowing made snowboarding very trippy because you couldn’t see anything as you were going down the mountain. It was almost as if you were riding a roller coaster with you eyes closed. At times it got even worse because the wind started blowing so hard the wind stung your face and pushed you backward. On top of that it became white out conditions and you were hoping you wouldn’t wipe out. Other than the wind and horrible visibility everything was fantastic.


AVERY said...

yea that was intense even getting my self ditched but i liked this because u really described how it was on the mountain

Q ball said...

Great story because you made it fun even though the conditions weren't safe

Miranda said...

i liked this because it must have been pretty tough because of the branches.

casey said...

I liked this entry because you described every thing very well.

C dawg said...

i liked this story because of how good you described the weather.